Did you know that while you drink this you need to also vogue and watch Sex and the City?
50ml Sapling (or alternative) vodka
25ml Mouse Kingdom Quad Sec (no alternatives accepted)
25ml Cranberry Juice (stretch it to 50ml depending on how you like it to taste).
5-10m Fresh lime Juice (1-2 lime sqz, adjust to your taste)
Shake it hard over cold ice straight from the freezer.
Fine strain it into a Martini glass or Coupette
Cut a small coin shape of orange peel (size of a 50p piece) using a sharp knife.
Take as little pith as you can, but at the end of the day you'll still make a great drink, so its not the end of the world.
Hold the coin in two hands 1cm above the top of the finished cocktail and twist it, and you'll see the orange oils on the surface.
Then drink and enjoy.
Google a flamed orange zest, and that'll show you how to flame it - BUT do not point the flame zest towards the surface of the drink unless you like drinking burnt orange.
Try it both ways. Its your drink, and if you like it? Comment x